I should have held on
I should have held on
I miss you
My heart hurts
It was a snowy winter night
oh no
I couldn't do anything for you
you don't cry cry cry
My heart hurt when I turned around yeah
You said you understood me but you turned around
You who never cried
I hate you
When I think about that time, I hate you too
I think about you though
* I should have held on
I should have stopped you
I'll understand your greed,
Please come back
I was lacking so much
I couldn't take you
I know the reason
You had to leave *
Alright girl
We talked on the phone all night
We fell asleep together
When you were sick
I bought you medicine
When I messaged you
Let's meet in front of your house
I feel bad, don't be sick
I am relieved baby
When I walk past the places we went
I just stop in the middle
When I think of our memories like a film
I miss you more, how sad
It was like
The last movie we watched
With the raining scene oh no
When you left with no expression
never say goodbye
It hurt, I can't believe it yeah
On the walk back home
I think of our memories
Like a movie
If I think about that time
I was stupid
I keep crying
The small present you left
Me who changed
I couldn't even say goodbye
If I have one more chance
Baby please take my hand
I should have held on
What could have been the problem
With our separation
Where was our separation
With our love
Where was our love
With our destiny
Where was our destiny
With our love
translated by Flora @offciastro for @ASTROseasons
please credit
don't repost unless you DM me, quote RT only otherwise!