[INTERVIEW] ASTRO Marie Claire February Issue


Recent Interests? Japanese, Drama <Goblin>, Driver's License.
Favorite lyrics from ASTRO songs? From 'Fireworks', "On your flushed cheeks I want to secretly leave a memory." The lyrics are pretty and it makes me emotional. 
All time favorite movie? <Rain Man> A movie that made me cry while thinking of my brother. 
Special habits? When I feel anxious, I bite my nails.
Member who has the characteristics I want to resemble? Moonbin. He is very charismatic on stage. 
If you were to express your personality in one phrase? Simple yet complicated.
Things you always carry around with you? Phone, wallet, notebook, pen, glasses, lenses, cologne.
Childhood dream? Prosecutor, detective, doctor, etc. It always changed.
What do you want to do if the world was to end tomorrow? Eat the last meal with my family and go to the countryside and find a place where I can sleep forever.
Recent worry? The fact that I failed my driver's license test. 
My hideout? The sauna near Shinrong Station.
Dish you can make confidently? Ramen.
My phone wallpaper? ASTRO's logo.
Place you want to go for vacation? New Caledonia.
Something I unconsciously obsess over? Online video view count and digital ranking. 
Recent moment of happiness? When I was on stage, seeing myself on TV, and when people around me support me.
Recent moment of rebellion? Going to the movie theaters and watching a movie past midnight. 
Best characteristic of myself? Honest and diligent. And I'm nice. (laughs)
Animal I resemble? Bear.
Something I want to fix about myself? I have too many thoughts and I get anxious easily.
Ideal type? Someone calm and witty. A bright person I will be happy around.
Ideal Valentine's Day date? I want to spend the time with just the two of us at a quiet forest while camping.
Person you want to see the most right now? Dad.
Bucket list #1? Get 20 different licenses.


1st plan of the New Year? Working out. But it'll take a long time. (laughs)
Favorite lyrics from ASTRO songs? From 'Star', "Despite our millions of thoughts and dark future, I have you. Even now you are shining brightly. Thank you for being the brightest star."
Recent favorite song? Beautiful by Crush.
Person you want to meet the most? John Mayer. He's really good at playing the guitar.
Musician you always look up new information on? Ed Sheeran. 
What are you the best at within the members? Being a cute beagle and the guitar.
Member who has the characteristics I want to resemble? JinJin who is very understanding and caring.
ASTRO in 10 years? Will be touring worldwide.
Things you always carry around? Medicine that is good for my body.
Supernatural power you want? To stop time.
I would be doing this if I didn't debut? Guitarist or producer.
The last time I laughed so hard? I'm always laughing very hard when I'm with the members.
Recent worry? Maybe because I'm hitting puberty, but I have so much acne.
What do I order the most at a cafe? Strawberry smoothie, sweet potato latte.
Dish you can make confidently? Soy sauce rice.
The recent happiest moment? When it became the New Year as an ASTRO member.
What I want to do for my birthday? Go to the ski resort. I've never gone skiing before. 
Present I want from the members? The newest computer.
Best characteristic about myself? Cute and confident.
A phrase I want before our group name? A group that you feel happy just by seeing them.
I'm scared of? Ghosts. I will faint if I see once.
Any 3 wishes? Trillions of Dollars, add 50 wishes, and fans' health.
Something I want to eventually buy? My personal guitar, electric kickboard.
How I would react if I see a girl I like? I have never experienced it yet, but I feel like I won't stop looking at her.


Favorite ASTRO song? 'Star'. I was happy that I got to write the rap lyrics for this song.
Recent Interests? This book of poems I am reading. I just came across it, but I'm very into it.
Thoughts on stage? I want to relate and enjoy my time with the audience.
Favorite song? Akdong Musician's Winter Album.
Favorite movie? <Step Up>. I wanted to live like that seeing the dancers.
Someone I want to meet? Famous world star 25 year old me.
Special Habit? I have dry skin, so I have to put on a face mask, cream, and spray mist so I can sleep. 
Something that changed after debuting? I became more thoughtful. 
What are you the best at within the members? Choreographing. I choreographed some of the songs we released.
Something I do when the wait time is long? Monitor our stage our watch overseas artists' stages.
ASTRO in 10 years? I want to be just as happy as we are right now with the members.
Supernatural power I want to have? Spiderman's powers. 
Childhood dream? World star. 
I would have been doing this if I didn't debut? Dance teacher or musical actor.
Favorite food? Food my mom cooks.
Food I hate? Cucumbers inside kimbap. 
Place I want to go for vacation? Anywhere with lots of grass.
Recent happiest moment? Fansign.
Best characteristic about myself? Manly.
Animal you resemble? Baby dinosaur.
Something I want to fix about myself? Dialect that comes out of nowhere.
When I see a girl I like? I am smiling inside.
I am scared of? Being lazy.
Someone I want to see? My family.


First New Year goal? Working out.
Favorite lyrics from ASTRO songs? From 'Colored', "On the weather you like, I'm more excited."
Thoughts on stage? Let's enjoy this as much as you can.
Favorite song? Closer by The Chainsmokers.
Musician you always keep the tabs on? Justin Bieber.
Someone you want to meet? Usher.
Special habit? When I am flustered, I hit the side of my neck.
What are you the best at within the members? Running and history knowledge.
If I were to express myself with one phrase? Fire. I get burned easily.
Childhood goal? Martial artist who uses a sword. 
Something I unconsciously obsess about? My muscles.
If tomorrow was the last day to live? I would run to the house my family lives in and yell at the top of my lungs, "I'M BACK!" 
My hideout? Practice room.
Something to relieve stress? I exercise longer.
Favorite food? Kimchi stew.
Dish I can confidently cook? Pancakes.
Place I want to visit? Santorini, Greece.
I'm scared of? Spiders. People's hatred.
3 wishes? To be good at singing, make everybody like me, and to not be afraid with whatever I do and gain courage.
Something I want to eventually buy? Iron man suit.
Ideal type? Someone who eats and smiles well.
When I meet a girl I like? I get quiet and can't look her in the eyes.
Ideal Valentine's Day date? Watch a movie and go to a bakery.
#1 on my bucket list? To live happily.


Recent Interest? Fashion Interest. I want to make lots of money and buy some flashy clothes. 
Favorite ASTRO song? 'Star' and 'Your Love'.
Favorite song? One Last Time by Ariana Grande
Artist you keep tabs on? Sia
Most recent movie you watched? <Master>. I watched it twice.
Person you want to meet the most? G-Dragon.
Special habit? I pick my noise. (laughs)
Member you want to resemble? MJ. He has a nice s mile.
Something I do during the waiting time? I listen to music loudly or write lyrics.
Something I order often at a cafe? Ice americano.
Dish I can confidently cook? Carbonara Rice Cakes.
What do you want to do on your birthday? Go to the beach with the members.
What do you want for your birthday? A porsche. (laughs)
Best characteristic about myself? Eye smile.
Something I want to fix about myself? My height. I want to be a bit taller. 
3 wishes? For my height to be 181cm, all the clothes in the world, not sure about the last one.
3 things I'll take to a deserted island? Camping tools, fire steel, and big size shampoo.
Biggest rebellion? I drank alcohol the moment it became January 1st 2 years ago.
Ideal type? Someone who smiles well.
Reaction when you see a girl you like? If we are looking at each other, I would smile... And then wait a bit and talk to her.
Person you miss the most? Older brother.
#1 on bucket list? Solo concert this year.


First goal of 2017? Diet.
Favorite ASTRO song? Colored.
Favorite song? BEAST's Ribbon, Butterfly
Favorite movie? Lord of the Rings. Smeagol left quite an impact on me.
Person you want to meet? Rain
Special habit? Shaking my leg while I'm falling asleep.
Your personality in one phrase? Happy virus.
ASTRO in 10 years? I want to perform with our own styled song and performance.
What do you always carry around? Members (laughs.)
How do you relieve stress? I sleep.
Childhood dream? Architect
Supernatural power you want? Time travel.
If the world was to end tomorrow, what would you do? I want to release a song that I produced and wrote the lyrics for.
Place you want to go for vacation? Hawaii. I want to see the pure ocean.
What do you want to do for your birthday? Go camping with the members.
Something you order from the cafe often? Persimmon juice.
Favorite food? Sushi and raw fish.
My hideout? Han River Park.
Phone wallpaper? ASTRO group picture.
Animal I resemble? Duck.
3 wishes? Go back to the past, go to the future, become a genius musician.
3 things to take to a deserted island? Phone, wifi, food.
Ideal type? Someone who has a pretty smile.
Ideal Valentine's Day date? Scuba diving and confess.
Who do you miss the most? Family
#1 on bucket list? #1 on a music show.

original credits to @milkisseunwoo
translated by Flora @offciastro for @ASTROseasons
please credit
don't repost unless you DM me, quote RT only otherwise!

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