[From. Cha Eunwoo] Ring ring ring
Ring ring ring~~~
Not much time left~~~
The year of 2017 is the year of a chicken~~~ a red chicken's year *chicken noises*~~~~ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
Since it's the new year, let's start with compliments for each other ><
Our (A)roha I hope it will be a wonderful year for all of us, good luck on your exams, I hope you have fun in college, pass your exams, make lots of money, get your certificates, and improve a lot, meet great people, be happy, don't be sick, and and and love ASTRO a lot ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎheheh
I'm so thankful that you are my fan, everybody is so reliable♡
Let me just
Let me just
Confess something about that...
I'm also a big fan of Aroha^^heh (a huge fan😗ㅎㅎ💋)
I don't express it a lot, but I love everybody so much...
I may not say much but I support you all and we will take the lead so we can walk the flower road...
I truthfully pray so we can all go through happy things only... ㅎㅎㅎyes yes
Ah!! Last thing, I will become a better person and repay by showing better music and better performances and better promotions!!!
(A)roha you have worked hard being with ASTRO in 2016, please treat us well in 2017 too♡
I will protect you more warmly
From (A)roha's Guardian Eunwoo...
translated by Flora @offciastro for @ASTROseasons
please credit
don't repost unless you DM me, quote RT only otherwise!!