[FANCAFE] 170117 Eunwoo Letter

[From. Eunwoo] ISA(STRO)C Diary ♡♡♡

We came back from Idol Sports & Athletic Championships....
It was a day we experienced many different things.

Honestly, I looked forward to Aerobics but when I heard that we were performing 2nd, I was very worried. The other groups were really good, and we asked many people to anticipate us...So I was worried, what if we did terribly... Do we become bluffstro...?
I guess this is how it feels to reach your goal....😢

To have a good outcome, I thought to myself, in Aerobics, the most important thing is to spread your lower half body and always have the end of your feet pointing... It's also very hard, so I worked hard to decrease the amount of mistakes.
Also, one of the guidelines said we had to use 10m all around, so the winner will be decided by whether you did or not, because when we practiced we did not have that much space.
So before we did our final performance, we practiced with detail one last time so our performance was closer to what we were expecting... 😢😃😄😆
Anyways, our members, Coach, and Aroha had good teamwork today so we got the results we wanted♡♡♡

Aroha who was with us from the morning until late at night!!! Thank you very very very much♡ I know everybody is tired, but thank you for cheering for us loudly until the end. I was so proud when you were cheering for us in front of all the great artists and their fans as well.
Our Aroha is the best 👍the best👍
We will work harder so we can participate in other areas and show a better result there too.

I'm pretty sure you ate your breakfast, lunch and dinner there,.... I hope the pictures I drew were of a bit help tooㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ The healthy MSG is ASTRO's loveㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

I have another acrostic poemㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I: I'm very very curious
SA: in this Land, is there someone that is as proud
C: as I am?

I am going off to protect (A)rohas in our dreams~~~ (People=(A)roha)


End of Eunwoo's Diary~~~~~~~~♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

translated by Flora @offciastro for @ASTROseasons
please credit
don't repost unless you DM me, quote RT only otherwise!

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