[FANCAFE] 170114 Eunwoo Letter 3

[From. Eunwoo] Eunwoo's Diary 3

It is cold today, but I think the weather is nice because
I wanted to go somewhere with (A)roha today. Anyways, did everybody have a nice day...???
I have an acrostic poem because I miss Aroha a lot.

A: Aroha is
Ro: better than ROasting coffee
Ha: and sweeter than HAagen dazs ice cream♡

My very very special people sweet (A)rohas~~~~
You worked hard today, dream of me and don't worry about anything, sleep well^^

End of Eunwoo's Diary

translated by Flora @offciastro for @ASTROseasons
please credit
don't repost unless you DM me, quote RT only otherwise!

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