[FANCAFE] 170101 MJ Letter

[From. MJ] Happy New Years♡

Wow wow the new year of 2017 has startedㅎㅎ In 2016, I was so happy to meet Arohas, if 2016 was the year I was thankful you were with us, then I hope 2017 will be a year where ASTRO can repay Aroha♡
Also, every time I hear that Aroha are really kind and obedient when it comes to lines (waiting in line at Music Bank commute, airport, etc.) I always get so touched and everybody is so reliable...Of course our Aroha is the best, so we must work harder so we can show Aroha♡
Thank you so much for always being with us, and we will never disappoint you. We will continue to grow, work hard, and not lose our roots!! Let's be together forever, Aroha♡

Today's phase

"If they are a friend you can trust, don't let go of that hand, but don't waste your time shaking hands with them every time you meet."

ASTRO will never let go of Aroha's hand

translated by Flora @offciastro for @ASTROseasons
please credit
don't repost unless you DM me, quote RT only otherwise!

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