[From. Eunwoo] Eunwoo's Diary 2
It's a relief that the rain I was worried about did not fall^^
Of course the sky was on our side hehehe yes yes
Today, we spent time with (A)rohas in Daegu and Busan. It was fun and I felt like I got healed^^ In the middle of it, I guess I coughed a lot so it made people worried, but I don't have a fever, I'm only coughing so I don't think you have to worry a lot. Thank you to everybody that was worried. Heh><
Also, I had a dish with duck for dinner wow...I'm so full I think my stomach will explode. There's a legend that 10 people at 2xxxxxx dishes... hehehe
Also, if there (A)rohas going back up to Seoul or came from far away, please be careful and let us be safe and rest well.
It was a fun day♡
End of Eunwoo's Diary
translated by Flora @offciastro for @ASTROseasons
please credit
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