[From. JinJin] 2017 with my babies♡ First Day
Wowwww ㅎㅎ 12AM has passed and the year has gone.. ㅠㅠ Time flies so quickly..ㅠㅠ
On February 23rd, we debuted and Arohas were given a name but it’s already January 1st of the next year..ㅠㅠ
You can say it was long, you can say it was short
But we already made so many memoriesㅎㅎ
The tiring and exhausting things from 2016!!!!
Throw it far~~~away☆
I hope that you will only be happy and have good things in 2017
I will cheer for you
And ASTRO will as well♡
If I had a New Year’s wish, I hope there are more events where we can be together~
I want to have an official solo concert in 2017ㅎㅎ
And like Bin said on V App
We really want to make a fan song and I want to see everybody enjoy itㅎㅎ
In order for us to be able to do that, we have to work hard and make a good song right??ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Anyways, to be honest, I didn’t know that people supporting us ASTRO would give this much strength before debut.. But every time I’m having a hard time, I think about all of you
And I gain strength to do better and show a better performance
Wow.. My babies have come very deep into my heart~♡
I really have to do well..ㅠㅠ
Ah anyways! I just love you..
ASTRO will always be full of Aroha!!
When you are having a hard time and you see us and you gain strength, then I guess you can say this is the reason we became singers!! We will always work hard, not lose our roots, and become an ASTRO that think more about our fans so please treat us well in 2017!! I love you more bye~
I love you my cute babies~♡
p.s Today’s JjinD music recommendation!!!
Wishing you only have happy events!!
Pharrell williams - Happy♡
translated by Flora @offciastro for @ASTROseasons
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