[FANCAFE] 170104 Rocky Letter

[From. Rocky] Midnight Promise

Has everybody chosen their New Years Resolutions~?
This is the first new years after debut
So I’m still thinking about how I should spen 2017~
I want to do a lot of things better!
And start new things!
And do things I couldn’t do in 2016, change my repetitive lifestyle~
I tried so hard
But it just didn’t work outㅎㅎ ><
I have lots of greed, but I can’t bring myself to do itㅎㅎ
I want us all to be motivated
And make a new resolution~~^^
Only if you’re okay with it!!
Since Arohas are growing and ASTRO is too
I want us all to gain strength during 2017 and become a help to each other
By keeping us intact!
Use the new year as an excuse to forget
The bad things or thoughts in 2016!!
And do everything you want to become a maturing Aroha and ASTRO!!
Okay!! It’s a promise!!ㅎㅎ
You will do well~ Since you did well in 2016
So gain strength and do better^^
ASTRO Aroha fighting~~
Happy New Years ~
Here’s my luck! luck! luck!^^
I love you…
Okay bye bye bbo bye

translated by Flora @offciastro for @ASTROseasons
please credit
don't repost unless you DM me, quote RT only otherwise!

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