[LYRICS] You & Me (Thanks AROHA) 아스트로 (ASTRO)

Do you remember us on that warm, spring day The days we were awkward I can't hide it It was the first time I felt this way I was surrounded...

[LYRICS] Cotton Candy

Don't do this and that I'll change in front of you anyways Why is it different from what I thought This is our first winter You can't...

[LYRICS] 붙잡았어야해 (I Should Have Held On // tentative title)

I should have held on I should have held on I miss you My heart hurts It was a snowy winter night oh no I couldn't do anything for...


If you look on the outside I look very happy And I look like I’m enjoying it But if you look inside my heart You can’t say that I’m...

[LYRICS] Colored

The weather you like  Makes me happier I will make you enter With the coat you just bought All the way  You’re to beautiful...

[LYRICS] Your Love

When I first saw you I was young When we were together I was always immature I didn’t now your love was love I only received Every...

[LYRICS] Confession

I won’t talk for long Just not him Why are you attracted to bad boys Honestly I’m frustrated, I like you I haven’t been able to confess...

[LYRICS] Lonely

I need your love I need your more I’m right here I need your love I need your more Hey hello are you doing well How are you doing without...

[FANCAFE] 170131 Sanha Letter

[From. Sanha] After my hard work...I finally caught it... Arohas...I'm gonna cry...I...I caught a dr...dragonite!!!!!♡♡♡I caught 2ㅎㅎㅎ I'm...

[FANCAFE] 170128 Eunwoo Letter

[From. Eunwoo] Receive my bow♡ Today was Lunar New Years so I got to go home, but I went by subway...I haven't been on that since my trainee...

[FANCAFE] 170124 JinJin Letter

[From. JinJin] Babies~ㅎㅎ What are you doing?? What is everybody up to lately~???  Are there any difficulties??  Tell...

[OTHER] Aroha 1st Generation Membership Photocard Message - Sanha

2016. 02. 28 We will become an ASTRO that never disappoints Aroha. 2016. 06. 01 I was so surprised many people supported us... It will...

[OTHER] Aroha 1st Generation Membership Photocard Message - Rocky

2016. 02. 28 It seems like just yesterday when I was young and I wanted to become a singer just because I saw somebody dance on TV... I...

[OTHER] Aroha 1st Generation Membership Photocard Message - Moonbin

2016. 02. 28 I gain strength and get less nervous when I read the messages on fancafe or when you come to support us!! That's why I can...

[OTHER] Aroha 1st Generation Membership Photocard Message - Eunwoo

2016. 01. 01 We will become an ASTRO that gets recognized and loved by many people!!! We will work harder to shine and be seen better!!!...

[OTHER] Aroha 1st Generation Membership Photocard Message - JinJin

2016.04.10 I think the fact there is someone who trusts me, thinks about me, and loves me makes me very happy ㅎㅎ Aroha is like a nail that...

[OTHER] Aroha 1st Generation Membership Photocard Message - MJ

2016. 01. 01 Hihihihihihihi I miss you everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to see you all smiling^^ I want to see you soonㅎㅎ 2016....